I can’t think of a better way to get you ready for Prepper School then by giving you a list of 100 resources to help you out :)
Jake from mybugoutbaglist.com put together one of the most comprehensive lists I’ve ever seen, and he was kind enough to let me share it with you. Take a look and make sure to let us know if there is a favorite resource you would add!
It’s a common theme amongst my readers that I hear the words “gear is great, but it is nothing without knowledge”. I wanted to use those words to inspire my next blog post. So here you go, more knowledge than you could ever hope to acquire.
Below I’ve listed 20 each of my favorite blogs, books, YouTube channels, Facebook Pages and Twitter accounts for you to visit, watch, read and learn from. One thing to note is that many of these blogs have an accompanying Facebook page and Twitter account, many Facebook pages have a twitter account, many YouTube channels have a website, etc. In order to provide the broadest base of knowledge I did my best to avoid overlap between these. But by all means please check out all avenues of communication each one of these amazing people and sites has to offer.
I hope this provides a great start to you on your prepping journey! Now I’ll shut up because you have some reading, watching and tweeting to do
Disclaimer: These lists are not “ranked” in any sort of order. It is simply a list of my favorite resources so pay no attention to #1 vs #20.
- Willow Haven Outdoor
- My Family Survival Plan
- Survival Sherpa
- Off Grid Survival
- Survival Cache
- Apartment Prepper
- Modern Survival Blog
- The Prepper Journal
- Survival Blog
- American Preppers Network
- The Survival Mom
- SHTF Plan
- Backdoor Survival
- The Survivalist Blog
- Suburban Prepper
- The Survival Podcast
- Prepper Website
- Canadian Preppers Network
- Knowledge Weighs Nothing
- The Prepared Ninja
YouTube Channels
- The Pathfinder School
- Nutnfancy
- Equip2Endure
- Ultimate Survival Tips
- SIGMA 3 Survival School
- Maine Prepper
- Ray Mears Bushcraft
- Analytical Survival
- Funky Prepper
- James Yeager
- No More Op 4
- Southern Prepper
- The Patriot Nurse
- Sensible Prepper
- Yankee Prepper
- Bushcraft on Fire
- Common Sense Outdoors
- The Urban Prepper
- Sootch00
- Becky’s Homestead
Facebook Pages
- Doomsday Preppers
- Homestead Survival
- Prepper Penny
- Preppers World
- American Preppers Network
- Prepper Chicks
- Homesteading/Survivalism
- Survival Preparedness
- Dual Survival
- SHTF Survival Tips
- Reality Survival
- The Prepper Project
- The Wannabe Homesteader
- Ready Nutrition
- Prepared Housewives
- SHFT & Prepping Central
- reThink Survival
- Prepared Christian
- Food Storage and Survival
- The Art of Manliness
Twitter Accounts
- The Weather Network (Canada)
- The Weather Channel (US)
- The Weather Channel Breaking
- National Hurricane Center
- National Weather Service
- The Urban Homestead
- CNN Breaking News
- Prepper Central
- Survivor Jane
- Prepper Exchange
- Expert Prepper
- iSurival Skills
- Prepper Broadcasting Network
- Prepper Talk
- Survival Spot
- Camping Survival
- The Survival News
- Les Stroud (Survivorman)
- I.N.C.H. Survival
- Daily Survival Tips
- SAS Survival Guide
- Build the Perfect Bug Out Bag – Your 72-Hour Disaster Kit
- Survival Mom – How to Prepare Your Family for Everyday Disasters and Worst-Case Scenario
- Edible Wild Plants – Wild Foods From Dirt To Plate
- Ray Mears – Essential Bushcraft
- Barnyard in Your Backyard: A Beginner’s Guide to Raising Chickens, Ducks, Geese, Rabbits, Goats, Sheep, and Cattle
- Bushcraft – Outdoor Skills and Wilderness Survival
- 31 Days to Survival – A Complete Plan for Emergency Preparedness
- Dirt Cheap Survival Retreat – One Man’s Solution
- The Prepper’s Pocket Guide – 101 Easy Things You Can Do to Ready Your Home for a Disaster
- The Survival Handbook: Essential Skills for Outdoor Adventure
- When All Hell Breaks Loose: Stuff You Need To Survive When Disaster Strikes
- The Forager’s Harvest – A Guide to Identifying, Harvesting and Preparing Edible Wild Plants
- Medicine for the Outdoors – The Essential Guide to First Aid and Medical Emergency, 5th Edition
- How to Survive the End of the World as We Know It: Tactics, Techniques, and Technologies for Uncertain Times
- Handbook to Practical Disaster Preparedness for the Family
- Prepper’s Instruction Manual – 50 Steps to Prepare for any Disaster
- Mini Farming: Self Sufficiency on a 1/4 Acre
- Strategic Relocation – North American Guide to Safe Places, 3rd Edition
- A Field Guide to Edible Wild Plants: Eastern and Central North America
So what are your favorite places to learn? Who did I miss? I’d love to hear all of your thoughts in the comments below! ______________________________________________________
AUTHOR BIO: Jake is the owner/writer over at mybugoutbaglist.com. He’s a passionate prepper who strives to provide free, valuable information for anyone thinking about assembling their own bug out bag. Find him online at his website, or connect with him on Facebook.
Such a great list!!!!! Thank you. This will keep me busy for days and days.
Yes, it will! I’ve spent way too long getting lost all over the web ;)
Here are some I like a lot.
grow your own groceries by Marjorie Wildcraft
Videos – Your Tube:
Survivalist Boards
Great suggestions! I’ll be checking out those too!
I will again comment that SeasonedCitizenPrepper offer a lot of wisdom. I hope that you will check it out and add it to your list. As I have explored websites, they have become my ‘goto’ site for advice. Much wisdom and responsive to questions/concerns.
Thanks for the recommendation! I just checked out http://seasonedcitizenprepper.com/ and love the blog layout and posts they have!
Wow. Insane list. Thanks for taking the time to compile this.
Just noticed you made the top 45 on thebestpreppersites.com site. Congratulations! Your site is so amazing and I love everything you write about. Keep it up!
Holy cow! I can’t believe I made the coveted Top 50!!! That is soooooo super exciting! Thanks for letting me know and making my day!