I’m officially LEGIT! I just received my 1st hate mail about what an idiot I was for writing the 1001 article on Rocket Stoves, but you can read more about what he wrote me on Facebook ;) I can’t help but to point out the fact that the Rocket Stove post has been pinned over 10,000 times, and gets viewed over 700 times A DAY since I posted it last week! Thanks everyone for showing it so much love!!! Anyways, I couldn’t resist, I had to write one more post, just for kicks!!! So let me present to you the 1002 post on Rocket Stoves! This one is even better (or more stupid, depending on who you ask), because this time we are doing a Rocket Stove Giveaway!!!
To receive entries, all you have to do is like us on Facebook and leave a comment below. For bonus points, you can come back every day for the next week and pin something from this blog! That’s it – click the picture above or the link below to enter!!!
A few of you have noticed I’ve pimped out my stove, and you can too! By drilling a hole in each side and using a wire hanger you can make a handle. Also, to help the stove last longer and make it look tough, spray a coat or two of heat-resistant paint on it!
If you want to stop kidding yourself that you will ever get around to making one before the zombies come – PREMIER ROCKET STOVES is offering a limited time discount just for you. The work has already been done and it comes with all the upgrades. It’s a great gift idea for Father’s Day too, unless your Dad happens to be the one that wrote the comment to me expressing his inner hatred towards rocket stoves, in which case it might put him over the edge! Come to think of it… I’m more than happy to send him one for free ;)
If you still want to be macho or impress your man, here are the supplies you’ll need to make one:
- #10 CAN W/ LID – $.90
- 2 LARGE 28oz CANS – $3.15
- INSULATION – $7.83
- TIN SNIPS – $6.77
- Ok, maybe this is just for me ;)
So what are you going to do?
***You have one week to get as many points as possible!
Get to Winning and Pinning!***
Check This Out:
This is short video on how to cook with your rocket stove, so if you’re still a little hesitant or don’t fully understand how it works, take 2 minutes to watch! Plus his kids are super adorable (so don’t watch if you’re a creep)!
Buy One HERE!
Everything decided to fall apart this week so I’m taking off for a mini break, but have lots of crazy posts in the works for when I get back. Hopefully, the cable guys will have fixed the internet connection, my computer will be working, my blog will have been switched to a decent host, and everything will be back up to speed. I really appreciate everyone’s comment & emails and promise I’m not ignoring you, I just don’t have internet right now. I’m also trying hard to not to throw my computer out the window! Hopefully things will get working before I get back, or else I’m leaving my computer and my rocket stove unattended with the kids while I cook a PopTart. That should be plenty of enough time for some serious damage to occur and the excuse I need to get a new computer:)
I would try making grilled cheese on it! My kids would love that-a picnic outside!
Hello from Canada, I think the rocket stove is a wonderful idea. I found the little video helpful and after a few try’s, got a fire going and cooked my dinner. I am planning a road trip and the rocket stove will be coming along.
I would love to win a rocket stove. I fear I might lose a finger if I tried to make one myself!!!
I think I would try to make or more likely burn a hamburger!
I had a similar stove years ago, that my dad and I built while I was in Girl Scouts. I used it in college during my winter field ecology class. I’m now the YW president in our Ward and think these would be great for each of the girls to make.
What a great idea! I think we might make this a RS activity, who says girls can’t play with fire and wood too ;)
If you’re not receiving hate mail at least once a week you’re doing something wrong. ;)
Love it! I need to be working a little harder then!
A wonderful pot of coffee at the campsite!
I really enjoyed the blog & I thinl your rocket stove is awesome. If I were to win one, the first thing I would make on it is bratwurst. I mentor teenagers & they love those brats. I would show that the with a great rocket stove they can still enjoy a great meal in the outdoors.
I would love to win a rocket stove. I am rather intimidated by cutting metal.
The first thing I would make would be a nice steak! Those stoves get super hot and would make a great crust that would rival the fanciest steakhouse.
I think its a great option to have for cooking. I like it!
I never seen anything like this before. I thought it was awesome. The first thing that I would try: one of those dehydrated meals in a jar. Be prepared for anything :)
I’m not sure what I would try to make at first but I know I’d love to try something!!
Hmm…Hamburgers! We’ve yet to cook out some burgers!
Burgers! We’ve yet to cook out burgers! Love this little stove! Never knew about them until recently!
Sorry about the double. You can delete this one if you’d like. I got an error message the first time….and then the reply showed up after this one! LOL
I would love to win a rocket stove. I cringed just thinking of the possible injuries if I was making it.
Sorry, forgot to add that I would make Chili, my kids comfort food.
I think we’d try bacon – our favorite camping food.
Chili will be a great first rocket meal. . .cant wait to show my “prepared” sister
Thank you for sharing your tutorial. I hope to win a rocket stove. Your blog is great!
I would have to learn to crawl before I learned to walk. I would see how fast I could boil water..
I have several cooking options; sun oven, volcano stove etc. I haven’t had the nerve to make a rocket stove.
Thanks for all the responses! We have a winner! Remember you can still get discount for a limited time through – http://premiumrocketstoves.weebly.com/products.html
OK, just found this site today and I much say I totally am blogcrushin’ and followin’ cuz you are amazing.
Thanks for all the tips, ideas and sass! Perfect combo to get stuff done.
And I’m going to be loosing fingers trying to make me a rocket stove thing, but I’m an ER nurse….I’ll stitch ’em back on if I have to.
You have a beautiful family – hope you don’t mind me stalking your blog ;)
You crack me up! Maybe you can do a guest post on how to attach your fingers back on!
I love this idea!!!!
Excellent creation!