Do you want to read a TRUE horror story? One that will literally slap you across the face and make you pee your pants?
I just had the opportunity to read “The End” & “The Long Road” where the author, G. Michael Hopf, has us follow a family attempting to survive after America has been crippled by an EMP attack!
If you’ve never heard of an EMP (electromagnetic pulse), it basically fries everything electrical in its path – cell phones, cars, computers, etc. – all cease to function!
If you need a little push (or maybe a good kick) with getting prepared, start reading this book and you’ll be running to the store to stockpile the essentials & fill those buckets ;)
As graphic and horrifying as the book was, I don’t think it’s far from the truth, because let’s face it – not many people have the resources to survive without electricity long. Here is just a rough estimate outlined in the book of how many people would die after an EMP attack:
Estimated Death Toll for an EMP Attack:
- 1st Month -> 3-5 Million
- 3 Months -> 15-20 Million
- 6 Months -> 50 Million
- 1 Year -> 90% of all Americans
The book seemed even more credible looking at the author’s (G. Michael Hopf’s) background:
G. Michael Hopf is a former U.S. Marine and bodyguard. For years he has studied and researched the effects of an EMP (Electromagnetic Pulse) attack on the United States. From his research he was shocked by the level of devastation that would befall the country. He wanted to bring awareness to this real threat by creating the world of Gordon Van Zandt in “The End” Where this type of weapon is unleashed and a fight for survival ensues. He lives with his family in San Diego, Ca.
I don’t want to be a book spoiler, so I’ll try not to give away the ending, but I do want to share some parts that stuck out to me!
Book 1 – “The End”
He hoped he was wrong, he longed for his theory to be completely wrong but knew he was right. He thought that for too long many Americans had taken everything for granted and assumed life would continue on uninterrupted. But history shows that it doesn’t; all throughout time civilizations have risen and fallen, and now this could be the end of the American Dream.” – Gordon Van Zandt “The End”
It’s fascinating to me when I read survival books because I like to take note of the first things people do when disaster strikes. I think you can learn a lot from those 1st few days and reflect on how well you could weather a similar storm.
Gordon Van Zandt, the main character, was not prepared for the EMP attack, but he immediately recognized what happened and took action. Here are a few questions he had to ask himself when trying to secure his family’s safety and survival.
Surviving an EMP Attack: Things to Consider…
- How would you GET HOME?
- What are the most important things TO DO FIRST?
- Do you have enough WATER?
- Do you have CASH on hand?
- Have you prepared an EDC (Every Day Carry) BAG?
- Do you have an alternate mode of TRANSPORTATION?
- A way to COMMUNICATE with others without phones?
- How long will your FOOD & SUPPLIES last?
- Are you willing to HELP YOUR NEIGHBORS, and if so, how much?
- Do you have a gun, and ready to DEFEND yourself if needed?
- Do you have an ALTERNATE LOCATION away from the big city chaos?
- How far will you go to SURVIVE?
You can find out how Gordon dealt with each of these scenarios in the book “The End”. I will say he did try very hard to help the community he lived in, but he finally came to this conclusion…
I don’t believe that it’s my responsibility to help everyone anymore. I only have the moral responsibility to take care of my family and loved ones. I have lived a life believing that it’s a man’s responsibility to have the tools to ensure his family is safe and secure. Some men didn’t think that was necessary; they thought owning dozens of expensive watches and designer jeans was more important that having a gun or even a knife. If people didn’t take the time to prepare because they thought that was someone else’s responsibility, well, my friend, they can now figure it out. I don’t have the time nor do I care. It’s already hard enough for us to survive without having to sacrifice my resources for others.” – Gordon Van Zandt “The End”
BOOK 2 – “The Long Road”
Gordon and his family continue to face the unthinkable in the 2nd book “The Long Road.” Here are a couple random thoughts I wanted to share from it!
As she thumbed through the magazine to find the article, she passed over ads promoting health-care products, pet medicine, makeup, real estate in Tennessee, and insurance. The magazine was so full of advertising for things that everyday people thought were important then. So often people never think something bad can happen to them.” – Julia “The Long Road”
I shared this quote from the character Julia, because it’s something that hit home. Even though the biggest disaster I’ve ever had to face pales in comparison to an EMP attack, I remember thinking how quickly the things that used to consume my world no longer mattered.
The one thing he most wanted was there: a letter he had written for Samantha… Carrying a farewell letter was something he’d adopted as a Marine. It was important for him to control the last thoughts and words that his loved ones would read from him. – Gordon Van Zandt “The Long Road”
I’ve never thought about writing a good-bye letter, but reality is, we never know when our life here will end. I loved this idea of being able to leave the last thoughts and words my family would ever read from me. I would want them to know how much I care for them and love them, especially if I can’t tell them myself. Anyways, I’ll stop before I get too mushy ;)
Final Thoughts…
I will have to say the violence can get out of hand, and a few characters need their mouths washed out with soap repeatedly, but besides that, it definitely opens your eyes to a very scary threat – one I pray we will never have to experience!
What do you think? How long could you survive after an EMP attack?
Thanks to TLC for providing me with copies of “The End” & “The Long Road” for reviewing! Follow the online book tour to read what other people think!
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Yes I do worry about the emp..My main worry is how our children will make it..
An EMP would definitely be a bad day. I have seen studies about Faraday cages and how they work. One I thought interesting was about cars and trucks. A Faraday cage is just a box made of metal (or frame covered by metal). To keep whats inside from frying in an EMP they are insulated from the metal. What is a vehicle? A metal box. In the study I saw, a man drove a car into a test area, shut the engine off, then sat there while the car was hit with about 50,000 volts. He keep his hands off the metal inside the car for several minutes while the electricity went through the car. He then started it and drove it off the testing area. It is possible that if your car is not running if an EMP hits it will still run after the pulse. I think I saw this on Discovery channel, not sure. May be just wishful thinking.
That’s cool, I didn’t know that! I need to watch more Discovery Channel ;)
I am not sure if I am worried about an EMP, but I would like to be prepared.
Thanks for stopping by Audrey! I agree, we don’t need to live in fear, but being prepared is important. It’s nice to not have to stress out if little or big things happen.
Well, they sound exciting. I read Chris Stewarts books, they were very enlightening, then i read Wendy somebodies books, thought they would never end, got so boring but these books, they intrigue me. Looking forward to reading them. Are they for Kindle as well, I hope? Thanks
Yes, they do have a Kindle version of The End & The Long Road. They also have it in the audible format. That’s how I listen to most books!
I was just sitting here wondering how you have time to read and do everything else you do. Listening to books is a very good idea! These sound really interesting. Thanks!
Don’t be too impressed, there are definitely a few things I’ve let go ;) I do love listening to books! I’ve turned into an junkie!
I think I would be concerned about an EMP. Not being able to have access to a radio to learn about what is going on in the world, or any other machine that would be “fried” after an EMP would be pretty frightening.
Preparing for an EMP is a question I receive quite a bit, obviously. Here is what I think is important. An EMP is just the instrument in an arsenal of things that could do large scale damage to our country. So preparing for one is not unlike preparing for any type of apocalyptic event. Having adequate water, food, medicine, firearms, ammunition and equipment is important, period. But I would add an item, buy or build a faraday box to hold equipment that would be necessary. Your cell phone is not one of them! Something else to consider, have a skill set. One has to think that if our world is plunged back to a pre-industrial age what else besides what you have in your cache is important and valuable? You are! Make yourself a valuable asset. Preppers are smart by stockpiling and equipping themselves but what happens if you lost all of it, what could you offer to a group to secure food or safety? The answer: your valuable skill set. If you don’t have one, learn one. And knowing how to shoot or looking after children is not one, learn how to hunt, tan hides, preparing foods from seed to plate, be a mechanic, an engineer, etc. While your preparing your bug out location with supplies, prepare yourself with a skill set that will keep you alive.
Thanks for stopping by and sharing some more great advice! Maybe you can do a post for me on valuable skills people should have since watching kids don’t count ;) Actually, I’m not very good at that either, they are always trying to pee out their bedroom window.
I wasn’t saying that ‘watching children’ didn’t take skill or wasn’t important. I was stressing that there could be an abundance of people available to do that. Having a unique skill set above those would make one more valuable to a group. Wasn’t intending on stepping on toes.
Thank you Jamie for reading the books and for the nice review, Jamie. I appreciate the opportunity to be on your great site. I only recently visited for the first time and I’m very impressed. You’re doing an incredible job. Thank you!
You’re very welcome. Looking forward to Book 3. You can’t leave me hanging though? Does Gordon meet up with the fam or still go off trying to kill the crazy man?
And no worries about stepping on toes – I was totally kidding, except about writing a post for me ;) I really do think people need to know how to do more than text & watch reality tv! I think that is about the only skills kids are leaving home with these days!
Soooooo, when did peein out the widow become a bad thing?
Ha Ha! I guess it’s not too bad, it waters my plants!
I expect something to occur. I can’t say I’d be upset to see everyone unplugged.We shouldn’t be so reliant on electronics anyway. It’s not natural.Of course I say that from my computer.
HI Jen – Be careful what you wish for. A ‘reboot’ of society might not end out like you think it could. We must always think of the unintended consequences. But I do agree with the spirit of what you’re saying. We should as a people need to get back to our roots.
LoL – I always feel a little hypocritical as I sit here on my computer all day talking about being prepared ;) It would be good to get unplugged every now and then, just as long as it’s back on before my favorite shows!
Yes, I worry all the time about surviving something that is coming our way. Feel it in my bones I guess and want to be prepared .
Yes I do
WOW! These books sound very interesting. I can say I am totally unprepared for any kind of emergency. I keep thinking “one day” I’ll get around to it. I’ll have to look for the books — that is if I don’t win a copy from you. Thanks!
While an EMP is worrisome, and getting more so with the likes of the insanity in North Korea, I started prepping for more localized emergencies and I’ve started branching out from there. I have a long way to go to survive any length of time after an EMP, but I’m gaining on it.
I am worried about an EMP attack ,but I fear there are other things that will harm us first. I is good to be prepared for anything.
I definitely have concerns about an EMP attack. I think it’s mostly because I know it would be a long term and wide spread disaster, and it feels like something that I can never be fully prepared for. On the bright side, preparing for more common and local events (loss job, earthquake, power outage) covers a few of the basics for EMP attack, but adding a Faraday cage and a secondary employment skill is on my to-do list. My husband is looking into blacksmithing, and I’ve been taking classes on many homesteading skills such as soap making, gardening, preserving, and more.
I’m always looking for good book reviews. Thanks!
what an exciting giveaway! and YES i do worry about EMP, natural or manmade.
An EMP attack does worry me, not as much a other things but we do try to prepare for all situations.
I’ve only recently started to be concerned about prepping and all the things that entails. Reading books like this is what drove me to start thinking about it. While I’m not sure what it is I’m preparing for, I just hope that if anything does happen my family will be ready.
Reading the book “one second after” was the kick in the pants i needed to start thinking about being prepared. I’m looking forward to reading these 2 books as well.
I have long worried about such a thing. I have read about EMP long ago. I have some preparedness with that in mind but believe this book touches on things that I had not thought of. Would love to read!
I just received my copy of The Long Road on Monday and finished it that very night! Well worth the read and I cannot wait for the next installment. Every new fiction book I read that is survival related propels me into action! So thanks G. Michael Hopf! Keep ’em coming!
Hi Andrea –
Thank you for reading the books. I am always grateful for those readers who enjoy the books and who find something they can take away from the books to better their lives.
Take care and stay frosty –
G. Michael Hopf
Hi Jamie,
I am still prepping for short term issues, however an EMP attack is a valid fear for me.
Thanks for the opportunity and the great review. I’m looking forward to reading these myself.
The Lady Kay
I’m a new reader, sent here by an acquaintance to check out your year-long menu plan. What a treat to learn about some new books to read too. I love the post-apocalyptic fiction stuff, so this is very interesting to me.
EMP is not the biggest worry on my list since I’ve long lived in earthquake territory, spent 4 years dealing with typhoons, and last year in tornado country. Obviously those are the day-to-day preparedness concerns for our family. I definitely consider EMP to be something worth planning for though – we just have to look at the news of solar flares and how much we rely on computers and cars these days to make it stop us for a moment and think, “What if?” These sound like a good read – thank you for sharing!
I don’t know if it will be an EMP but we all need to be prepared to live a more simple lifestyle and be able to take care of ourselves
EMP does truly scare me.
Anything is possible!!!!!!!!!!
I’m at the point where it doesn’t worry me because I’ve managed to do without electricity for weeks at a time in Colorado (have well/septic/farm). Except for it being inconvenient to go without, it’s a luxury. I’ve learned from experience that it’s best not to rely on others. If you can’t do it yourself yet, learn.
I am always looking to read new books on survival and EMP’s. Thanks for the chance at winning these books!!
And the reason I love these style of books is because I am concerned about an EMP and I find that these types of books have a lot of great ideas and tips on how to survive.
Yes, but not quite as much as financial or other weather related disasters. Although I am willing to learn.
An EMP attack concerns me, but I try to be prepared for anything.
Books like this always make me mentally plan how I would handle similar situations, and that’s definitely a good thing.
Thanks for being a part of the tour!