I’m an organizing fanatic! Even when I was little I had issues – I would be in a waiting room with toys and I would organize them instead of play with them. I even taped off part of my room that I shared with my sister and told her that her junk better not cross the […]
Celebrating a Christ-Centered Easter (Book Review)
Emily has done it again. She has helped bring Christ back into a holiday that has been taken over by Easter Bunnies & Marshmallow Peeps. Don’t get me wrong, we love those things! Each year our family heads to the farm to go fishing, hunt for eggs, and do our annual egg rolling contest. These things are […]
What is Natural Yeast & 3 Health Benefits No One Tells You About!
I often teach classes on putting together a yearly menu plan and how to store foods so they last. One of the things I stress most is the importance of being able to make bread! That’s a critical part of food storage – at least mine. Inevitable, someone always asks me how to store yeast long-term and I’ve […]
Prepare to Celebrate A Christ-Centered Christmas This Year
I already have neighbors with their Christmas lights on, trees decorated, and shopping done (annoying over-achievers)! We get it! We can all see you and realize you are way more on the ball than the rest of us – at least me! Christmas used to be an exciting time, but since becoming a mom it’s slowly turned into […]
Bullet Proof Vest: What You Should Know Before Getting One
Have you ever considered getting a bullet proof vest? Before running out and adding one to your stash, there are a few things you should know first. Why Would You Need a Bullet Proof Vest? You have enough to worry about with food, babies, and bills – so what would you need a bullet proof vest for? The […]
Sleep in the Wild: Add FOXtail Hammocks to Your Bug Out Bag (+ Giveaway)
For those of you that know me, I love my sleep! I don’t function well without naps and at least 10 hours of sleep at night! I’m pretty sure I suffer from chronic fatigue, but I’m too tired to go see a doctor about it ;) Anyways, enough about my sleep addiction. I recently found […]
Countdown to Preparedness – Interview with Author Jim Cobb
About Countdown to Preparedness Tell us about your book. My latest book is Countdown to Preparedness. It is a non-fiction book geared toward both new and experienced preppers. The book is set up similar to a college course in that each week there is a reading assignment and specific tasks to be completed, as well as […]
My 1st Self Reliance Expo
Last week I finally made it to my first Self Reliance Expo! I can’t wait to show you all my cool finds; it was a miracle I made it out of there without going broke! I found some great gift ideas for pretty much everyone I know – they love getting survival crap from me ;) […]
What’s Your Family’s Fire Escape Plan… Besides Stop, Drop, & Roll? (5 Things You Need to Include!)
Does your family have a fire escape plan? Better yet, have you ever practiced it? After my daughter’s 2 year old check-up, I was reading through the instruction sheet they gave me on how to keep her alive and it recommended to practice a fire escape plan. My first thought was… what is our fire […]
THE PRACTICAL PREPPER – A Common-Sense Guide to Preparing for Emergencies (Book Review)
You are responsible to provide for yourself and your family. Entitlement has invaded our culture, producing an attitude of dependence on others to take care of our needs. This is a dangerous trend, and we encourage you to act with honor and integrity, doing everything in your power to care for your own family and […]
Interview w/ G. Michael Hopf – Bestselling Author of The New World Series
The New World Series continues with G. Michael Hopf’s latest book – Sanctuary! If you haven’t heard about these postapocalyptic novels before, these will definitely shake you up and make you want to start preparing (if you haven’t already). You can read my thoughts about his first 2 books on this post – The New World […]
Duct Tape 911: Could You Tape Yourself Together in an Emergency?
When I first heard about this book, my first reaction was who would ever tape themselves together? Then I remembered… oh yeah, my brother has done just that! When he was a teenager, he went hunting with his friend (another responsible teenager – yeah right) and he wound up in a 4-wheeler accident. The nearest town was […]
Store Gasoline Indefinitely with PRI-G Fuel Stabilizer
Like thousands of others, before Hurricane Ike hit we rushed to the store to buy one of the last remaining generators – but once the lights went out we realized we had a big problem – we didn’t store enough fuel to keep it running. And a year later we ran into an even bigger problem – the generator […]
Jake & Miller’s Big Adventure (A Preppers Book for Kids)
A Preppers Book For Kids Jake & Miller’s Big Adventure by Bernie Carr, is marketed as “a preppers book for kids” and presents an excellent, simply-worded introduction to the idea of being prepared. When you first open the book you are greeted with a cover page that features adorable pencil doodles of camping gear, paw prints […]
Food Storage For Self-Sufficiency and Survival (Book Review)
The question I get asked most often is – I want to be prepared, but where and how do I start? Well, I have the answer… Get Started With Food Storage! I know… you were expecting something sexy and exciting like saving the world with Jack Bauer – but the scary truth is most people in the United […]