(DISCLAIMER: I LOVE my God & my Guns, just in case you don’t catch my sarcasm or watch the videos ;)
I can no longer hold my silence, the violence has got to STOP! It frankly comes down to people having guns, and the solution is we need to get rid of them and create more Gun-Free Zones! The 2nd amendment was written so long ago they didn’t understand or foresee what people would do with guns today. I believe our Founding Fathers would understand if we stripped the constitution of “the right to keep and bear Arms” to help make this country a safer place to live. I know people enjoy hunting, competing in gun competitions, collecting them for a hobby, or whatever other excuses they have to own them, but I think they can give that up for the greater good.
Do your part and follow along with schools, churches, and hospitals to protect you and the ones you love by setting up Gun-Free Zones. This video explains it best:
Chicago has some of the strictest gun laws in the country and has helped to make the work environment less hostile for criminals. Maybe you can learn from their example and do the same. Better yet, hold your own “Fast and Furious” experiment and give your guns to thugs so the cops can catch them (just remember to put a tracking device on them this time). Take a listen to this poor victim explain how fearful he is to even go to work, because people are choosing to exercise their right to own guns:
Even if you don’t agree with getting rid of all guns, at least agree that getting rid of assault weapons and extra capacity magazines is a must. Most women are a good enough shot that if there was someone assaulting them they could get the job done in 3 bullets or less, regardless if the criminals have 30+ rounds in their guns.
Just this week I had my car window smashed in, my purse taken, my identity stolen, and thousands of dollars worth of purchases put on my credit cards. I am so grateful I didn’t walk up on the sweet boy who did this to me, I would have hated for him to get hurt. I’m sure he was in a desperate situation and doesn’t plan on violating anyone else or their property again. This probably was his first crime too, he only managed to break my window, snatch the purse, get to Wal-Mart, buy gas, and max-out all the credit cards in less than 30 minutes.
Who would want guns in their home anyway? I know so many of you have children and it would be very tragic if any of them accidentally got hurt. Even though there are fingerprint safes, gun locks, vaults, and numerous other ways to keep them from the kids, it just takes too much work, plus it would require being a responsible parent.
Many women are often more vulnerable and easier for a criminal to take advantage of, but in most cases the criminals understand this and leave you alone. If they don’t, I’m sure whatever physical, sexual, or emotional abuse they inflict upon you and your children can be fixed with a little therapy and some time.
So get rid of your guns and make this country a safer place by stopping the violence.
OR… I have an even crazier idea. Maybe, doing the opposite will make all the difference…
i almost hit “delete”. then i realized you were being facetious. thank you for being real, i shoot, i believe an armed citizen is an asset to our country.
I know, maybe I should re-write this post, I think I’ve confused a lot of people. The videos are my favorite, but not sure many watched them.
I agree. When I started reading I thought that this seemed to be a hell of a departure from the rest of the self-reliance material that I have found on this site and was beginning to regret the time spent here. I am about as Pro-2nd Amendment as they come; which has a way of creating some interesting, if not tense and uncomfortable, moments at family get-togethers with my mostly Liberal leaning extended family. But along with owning firearms, I also garden, am learning to can, grow fruit producing bushes and tree on my small property, and work hard to make sure my little family will be well prepared if the proverbial SHTF. I’m glad I kept on reading.
Glad you kept on reading! I was in a very sarcastic mood when I wrote this ;) You are doing an awesome job on all your preps, keep it up!
Wow, I just found your blog today and I have to say I love every bit of it. I came across this post and was just stunned for a second until I too figured out your point of view! :) Love it!
You had me heading to the DELETE button. Laws and government have handicapped us to the point of total submission. Not the way I want to live.
Amen! Thanks for not deleting ;)
You had me going for a minute. LOL.
Yeah, I was appalled and then not even totally confident of your meaning/intention with the “come-back” at the end of the post. Call me dense. :) Maybe you could cue readers at the beginning of the post to “not miss” the end of it. And/or add a bit to the end to make it super clear that all the apologetics for ending guns were simply a farce.
I agree, it needs something – I did add a disclaimer :) I forget I still have this post, it feels like forever since I wrote it. Maybe I’ll just delete it, but sometimes when I need a laugh I just like watching the videos!
Don’t delete it! It was great! You did say at the beginning that it was sarcastic (I also double checked a couple times to make sure I didn’t read it incorrectly. haha). I love your blog/FB page. Already have a list going for what I’m going to make or try. :) Keep up the GREAT work!
PS. I hope it isn’t some kind of bad etiquette, but I used a quote of yours on one of my FB posts. The Lord used you to really get thru to me. Just wanted to let you know that I did, if I was supposed to before hand. :)
I just barely added the disclaimer, after lots of confusion ;) You’ll have to let me know what things you try out and how it goes!
I feel so special, what quote did you use?
Great read Jamie. I found your site from a link on an article from All State. The vids are good too, will share on facebook.
Keep up the good work.
Yeah! Someone else likes the videos ;) So glad you stopped by! Thanks for sharing!
Everyone should read this AND watch the videos. It made my day!
A must read :-) Also the videos are very good. Funny but true.
I hope it is OK or a short visit. I loved the post. I just got elected to our School Board and hope to get some faculty qualified to carry, I each security programs for both school and churches.
I am currently law enforcement in reserve capacity going on 18 years and a little over 39 years in Special Forces training our young men and women how to stay safe and shoot straight.
Great site, tank you for sharing,
Automatic Survivor- President/Instructor
Be Prepared – Be Prayerful – Be Thankful – You are an American