The New World Series continues with G. Michael Hopf’s latest book – Sanctuary!
If you haven’t heard about these postapocalyptic novels before, these will definitely shake you up and make you want to start preparing (if you haven’t already). You can read my thoughts about his first 2 books on this post – The New World Series: Surviving an EMP Attack.
Instead of listening to me, I’m honored to have the author himself (G. Michael Hopf), share his thoughts with us about his latest book!
About His New Book:
Tell me about your new book – Sanctuary.
Sanctuary is Book 3 of The New World series, it follows, The Long Road and continues to follow the main point of view characters from the series as they continue to struggle to survive in a post super-EMP world.
Tell us a little about your book series.
Sanctuary is book 3 of The New World series, there will be a total of 7 books in the series.
Give us an insight into your main character – Gordon. What does he do that is so special?
Gordon Van Zandt is the main protagonist. I write him as a man that is not perfect, he doesn’t have all the answers, he’s not the perfect prepper, but a man attempting to carve out an existence in a very violent post apocalyptic world.
He is a devoted family man, he’s strong, has morals and a code he lives by but at the same time is willing to do questionable things to those who cross him or his family.
How much of the book is realistic?
I think the book is entirely realistic. What I do in my series that seperates it from other prepper type fiction is I don’t get into the weeds explaining how to put together a bug out bag, I explore human interaction and reaction to scenarios and situations that any one of us could encounter if or when the SHTF.
Are experiences based on someone you know, or events in your own life?
Many of my characters talk and act like people I know in my real life. I use the real world to pull from and get inspiration.
What is the main message in your book that you want readers to grasp?
I don’t have an in your face message. My book is entertainment but at the same time what my fans say the message they get from the series is to be prepared.
His Writing Process:
How did you get interested in writing this particular genre?
I have always loved post apocalyptic or dystopian type fiction. I have always been fascinated with the ‘what if’ type futures we all might encounter.
What made you decide to sit down and actually start writing?
I embarked on my writing career in 2012. I have now completed Book 4 of my series and it’s in editing.
How did you come up with the title?
The title for Sanctuary came from what the characters are seeking in the series at the point in Book 3.
How long did it take to write Sanctuary?
6 weeks to write first draft, 2 months to edit
Did you learn anything from writing your book?
That writing a book is not as hard as people think it is.
Do you have plans for another book?
I have plans for 4 more in The New World series and I’m writing a spin off series as well.
About G. Michael Hopf:
If you were writing a book about your life, what would the title be?
I came, I saw, I conquered.
Tell us a little about yourself and your background.
My background is diverse with a few different adventure jobs before I settled down to write. I am a former Marine and combat veteran, Commercial Diver for a few years, Executive Protection Agent (Bodyguard) for 10 years, Real Estate, Entrepreneur and now bestselling author.
So, what have you written?
3 Novels:
Do you have any favorite authors or books?
Anything by Ernest Hemingway
What are your ambitions for your writing career?
To continue to write and provide material to my readers.
What are you working on now?
Just completed rewrites on Book 4 of The New World series and I’m writing book 1 of a spin off series about a fan favorite character from The New World.
How can readers discover more about you and your work?
Win ALL the Books from The New World Series!
Contest Closed – Comment #2 Won!!!
Because of budget restrictions at the moment we’re stuck with slowly working ourselves out of debt and learning as much as we can about everything from raising animals and building things, to how to knit and can. Hopefully soon we’ll be able to start adding more than knowledge, but it will have to do for now.
We are stockpiling at least 6 months of food and water and learning new skills. I am trying to find out how to do some gardening and/or aquaponics. Thanks a million.
I’ve been working on my food storage now for about 6 months so I’m still a relative newbie. But that initial overwhelming feeling has passed and now I’m moving along.
I thoroughly enjoyed The End, and look forward to reading the rest of the series…We are working on improving our food stores, exploring self defense options, and stocking up on hand tools while garage/yard saling this summer…
I have been storing water as well as some food. I also have my most successful garden yet this summer. My next goal is to get some way to purify water so that my family would be able to obtain water even after my stores are depleted. Thanks for the chance to win! I love books like this.
I started prepping a couple of years ago. I have a supple of water and food. I have a garden. I save seeds. I can and dry my food. I have protection( for the bad Times). I have different cooking methods and different heating methods to keep warm. Now I add to everything as time goes on.
Impressive! Thanks for sharing!
What I do need is to find like minded people. Most of my friends think I am crazy, but it doesn’t stop me. I took note one day after a bad storm that knocked out utilities and watched people and this area is not prepared at all. My neighbors say I am building a space ship, but I was building frames to hold my 4 – 55 gallon water barrels. Ha ha
I love reading books like these–it really gets you thinking and also it makes you do just a little bit more prepping everyday. Thanks
I learned how to prepare/survive when I lived on the streets on and off during the mid to late teens till I was almost 22 back in the 70’s and early 80’s. I have taken practical courses on alternate living off of the grid over the last several years. I love to read about survival and prepping tips. My favourite pass time is post apocalyptic stories and enjoying my family and grandchildren. Love your take within this genre thanks for doing what you do!
I just got some water purifying equipment. I’ve been rural most of my life and have always had a large garden which we preserve and animals. I am learning to make my own soap and salves/creams.
Oops! We are adding to our food and medical supplies. We have water filters and water barrel. We have alternate ways to cook, keep warm and provide light. Thanks for the contest!
We are on the way with a growing 4 acre garden and learning more about preserving our yield as well as sharing with our community. My husband has started an aquaponics shed he hopes to have completed by fall. I downloaded your binder info on Food Storage – that jump started me into categories I hadn’t given a lot of thought to. Recently, we began adding essential oils for our medicine cabinet make-over. Thanks for the very informative finds you share. FHS
I am prepping with ,water filtration ,canned goods ,buckets of freeze dried, lots of different ways to cook .Make my own soaps candles ,can my own food and am an avid outdoorsman .I hunt ,trap and can prepare and preserve what I harvest .I am doing it for my children and grandchildren as I lost my partner and best friend to lupus a few years ago . So I am a dedicated prepin grandfather .
Buying a little at a time , medical, food, seed vaults, etc as we can and gaining more knowledge on alternative medicine, gardening, alternative cooking, etc.
I am gardening, canning, dehydrating and learning all I can to protect my family and property.
Trying to learn new things to be more self sufficient.
We are adding to food and medical supplies, and knowledge constantly.Thank you for the chance
We are working on preparing, though we still have quite a way to go. Have 15 acres, large gardens, some food put up. An alternate way of heat. (Though we still have electricity for water). Working on trying to change that asap. Learning each day, and realizing we still have a long way to go to truly be prepared.
We are purchasing supplies a little at a time: garden seeds, lighting, medicine, etc. I have been learning about the many uses of essential oils and am looking forward to researching uses of natural medicines in emergency situations.
Thanks for featuring Michael for the tour!
I have been learning about treating medical conditions with essential oils and looking into taking a EMT course to learn some useful skills. We are working on food storage solutions and we are teaching each of our daughters basic shooting skills. Thanks for keeping this wonderful blog full of useful information and for the chance to win some pretty cool stuff!
We have a family with 7 grown children and a 4 year old plus many grands. We are canning, filling our pantry, growing what we can in a large garden, saving seeds, raising rabbits, chickens pigs and goats, learning new things all the time and the newest project is a smokehouse.
I am adding to my supplies weekly. Food, medical, water etc.
building up food storage slowly, saving water, canning and gardening. Also reading books and online articles to learn more.
Hello Jamie,
I loved the first two books! I need to get Sanctuary. I’ve been building my food storage, medical first aid kit, cooking and water filtration supplies for the last year. I am looking forward to meeting like minded individuals in my area. Thanks for the giveaway, you are always so generous with your knowledge.
Hope you had a Happy 4th of July!
The Lady Kay
Hi Jamie,
The first time I read The New World Series, I sat up and read books 1 and 2 in basically one Then had to wait several tortuous weeks for Sanctuary to come out! Painful I tell ya! :)
We’re working on building our food stores back up currently. We had a period of income loss where we relied on them for a few weeks to feed us. Grateful they were there when we needed them, but it’s time to build them back up!
Thanks for the giveaway and love the blog!
cool books defo going to have a read of these
I’m just starting…I feel like I have been walking around with my head in the sand. I have my two beautiful grandsons to look after, they have lived with my husband and I for the last seven years ( they are 9 & 11 years ). Thanks for the chance to win.
Learning, reading, storing and much more is what I have been doing to prepare. Thanks for the chance to win!
We have been prepping for 3 years now. We have been storing food, growing a garden, raising chickens and canning. The usual beans, bullets and band-aids approach. It has become a part of our lives now, a true commitment. Just recently found your site and enjoy it very much.
I would love to read this series of books.
Our family has come together and started having family meetings every other Monday. We feel that it is time to get our families prepared. Each family has taken different subjects to really get to know and we each take turns teaching and sharing what we have learned with the rest of the family. Thanks for the great website!
I have already read all three of them. They were great reads. I love anything in this prepper genre. He’s a great writer.
I’m just getting started and I am learning as much as I can as fast as I can!
Doing a little each week to stock up and reading lots of info on the internet.
I am very new to prepping and hopeful to have a homestead soon. Lucky to have a family on board willing to turn off the TV to learn new skills and gather needed tools and supplies. Thank you for the chance to win these books.
Loved the first 3. Can’t wait for the whole series to be finished. I loan them out to trusted people and stay on their asses to get them back. My family will be bugging in and we will prep like a pioneer family.