HOMEMADE POPCORN: Popcorn has been a favorite snack since who knows when (too lazy to look up the answer). Anyways, who really cares? All that matters is it’s good, it keeps the kids quiet, and the best part is… the shelf-life is INDEFINITE!!! If you haven’t added anything to your home storage yet, go get yourself a 50lb […]
EAT Food Storage
The Prepper’s Cookbook: Does Your Pantry Have What It Takes to Survive?
When it comes to storing food, I’ve realized people seem to fall into one of these 3 categories: THEY HAVE NOTHING – They don’t even bother getting food storage because they say it’s gross, and they would rather die (this used to be me, until I had kids). HAVE SOME, BUT WILL ONLY EAT IT IF STARVING– […]
How to Make Perfect Cake Pops Everytime!
HOW TO MAKE CAKE POPS It’s birthday season around our house, and I can’t think of a better way to celebrate than by stuffing our faces with cake pops! I’ve enjoyed making these for years, but they haven’t always turned out the way I imagined (sometimes they’ve earned a spot over at Pintrosity :). I thought I would do a quick […]
Taco Soup: Are You Afraid of Using Food Storage? Start With This Recipe…
This is a great food storage recipe that you can go ahead and stock-up on. It’s literally a matter of just dumping cans into a pot and you’re done. And if you’re brave enough to can your own meat the process is even faster. Just make sure you get gluten/dairy free taco seasoning or make […]
Homemade Taco Seasoning: Gluten & MSG Free!
Has anyone ever bothered to take a look at the ingredients of Taco Seasoning? Even with the comforting fact that MSG isn’t in the stuff I still have a hard time pronouncing some of the ingredients, let alone know what they are. Before it didn’t bother me, but I was in charge of taking care of my adorable […]
Rocket Stove Eggs: Make an Omelet in a Bag
Want to impress everyone at your next campout, or even reclaim your title as coolest parent alive? Try making these! Not only are they done fast, and taste great, but there is minimal clean-up! If you haven’t guessed by now, I LOVE simple things and these are simple!!! They’re as simple as 1-2-3! 1- Throw your […]
What is Wheat & Why Should You Care?
Kern L. Wheatberry’s Amazing Guide on Wheat One of my first experiences with wheat left me hating the stuff. I was pregnant, moody, and just wanted to package a couple cans of hot chocolate (my ultimate craving). Whenever you package food at the cannery you’re supposed to help others pack their stuff too, which isn’t a […]
Chewy Homemade Granola Bars: Another Reason to Store OATS!
I’m excited about today’s post, because not only is it YUMMY, but NO kids were put in timeout or given empty threats in the making (well, at least mine weren’t :) One of the best cooks I know was awesome enough to write up a post and share one of her amazing recipes with us. Now you have something else […]
Black Bean & Corn Salsa: Food Storage Style!
I could seriously live on Black Bean and Corn Salsa so I went to work seeing if I could turn this all-time favorite into a food storage recipe! I first pulled out my freeze-dried corn & tomatoes and rehydrated them. You can cook your beans and use those too, but I was lazy and just grabbed […]
Hawaiian Sesame Chicken
I love meals that your literally throw into a pot and it makes something edible! Here’s another easy dish to add to your food storage collection! If you don’t have a fs recipe collection, it’s never too late to start :) Enjoy! Hawaiian Sesame Chicken INGREDIENTS: 4 boneless, skinless chicken breasts (or 2 pint jars of canned chicken) […]
Applebox Oven: Bake in a Box!
I’m starting to understand why people sometimes get the impression that preppers are crazy. Who else does a photoshoot with an aluminum covered box at 3 am? I know, I really need to get a life! At the Emergency Fair, multiple people told me they had made an AppleBox Oven when they were in Girl Scouts! The only […]
EASY Country Biscuits from Scratch
My dad has talked for years about the baking powder biscuits his grandmother (my great-grandmother) used to make. Recently I asked him if he remembered the recipe, or if I could get it from my grandma. He laughed and said “Honey, all she used was baking powder and Pioneer baking mix.” I was stunned. My […]
Cook-Off Winner: Cinnamon Chili
There always seems to be chili cook-offs popping up, so I thought I would help prepare you for the next one that comes your way. This recipe won last years neighborhood cook-off and has been a favorite of ours since! Not only will this bowl of deliciousness help you win a blue ribbon, but it’s also […]
The Wonder Oven: Works Like a Powerless Crock-Pot
What is a Wonder Oven (AKA Wonder Box)? My neighbor loved my new bean bag, but when I told her it actually cooked food she thought I was crazy. This little cushion does more than just look pretty, it keeps Hot things Hot, or it can keep Cold things Cold. Basically, you get your food boiling for […]
Pantry Essentials: How to MAKE Brown Sugar
Imagine my surprise when I came across a recipe for brown sugar and found out it was only TWO INGREDIENTS: Sugar & Molasses That’s it. That’s all you use. I felt so dumb. Here I was trying to store bags of the stuff and I find out I can MAKE it from two simple ingredients. […]