I can’t believe I’ve been chugging away for a year now at writing up posts and still trying to figure out how to use my camera. It just seemed like yesterday I was setting up the blog and trying to come up with a name. I went through a few names before finally deciding on Prepared Housewives – I was tired of listening to women aspire to be nothing more than desperate ones (and hoping one day to get their own show). I believe women are better than that and have much more to offer society and to their families!.
I truly want women (and men) to be prepared and hope that I’ve accomplished that in at least a small way this year. So thanks to each of you that have stopped by the blog to see what’s going on, especially the ones that have subscribed and left comments (preferably the nice ones ;).
Sometimes I curse the stats button, because pressing it can become super addicting. I can’t help but be curious to see if anyone is even looking at my blog (besides my mom who did confirm she looks at it sometimes).
Some days it’s awesome, and some days not so much ;) For anyone that’s curious, here’s how the blog has done over the first year! It could definitely use some TLC from a non sleep-deprived-ADD-mom of 4, but until then it’s stuck with me (insert evil laugh here)!
- VIEWS: 275,000
- COMMENTS: 900 (Seriously, thanks for taking a moment to make my day!)
- POSTS: This is the 100th one!!!
- SUBSCRIBERS: 700 (You guys ROCK! – Stay tuned this week I have something for you!)
- And a HUGE shout-out to the 15% of Guys that are brave enough to hang out here! Don’t worry, I do have some more Manly posts in the works just for you!
I’ve definitely learned a lot about blogging and myself this past year. There are definitely moments where it’s been Bad, Crazy, and downright Awesome!
the BAD…
I thought I would go ahead and get the bad out-of-the-way first ;)
I heard there were internet trolls out there, but never realized they would hunt down small boring bloggers like me to leave a piece of their mind.
It’s sometimes a little nerve-wracking pushing the publish button and then waiting to see if they will come out of their caves to give me an emotional beating. When I first encountered this it really stung, but I’ve come to realize they are everywhere. I guess their moms just never got around to washing their mouths out with soap or teaching them some decent behavior – like how to voice their opinion without threatening to cause bodily harm to the entire family and their pet Fluffy!
Maybe these people exist solely to toughen the rest of us up. Even though I would love to help people everywhere be better prepared, I’ve learned some people just don’t give a crap and have no problem telling you that ;)
One of the rudest comments I first received was how stupid I was for writing yet another post on Rocket Stoves. Maybe it was the millionth post done about them, but it’s been repined now over 55,000 times and viewed over 75,000. Not too bad for a post that was so awful as he explained ;)
It doesn’t end there though – Some people hate what I do and have even dedicated entire posts about it; I’ve had to deal with internet thieves who claim my work as their own; And my favorite was when a mom dropped by to tell me I was going to Hell for teaching my kids where meat really comes from.
Which leads me to the next thing –
the CRAZY…
One of the very first questions I ever received from an anonymous cat lady was – “What would you do if things resorted to cannibalism, would you eat people?” She then explained she had no problem with it and that was actually her plan if things came to that.
I know some of you don’t like scare tactics, but just FYI, if you aren’t prepared – cat lady isn’t eating her cats when things get bad – she is eating you!
And then there is the AWESOME!!! Even though there are days when the computer is halfway through the window, a moment like one of these comes along:
- The Daily Prep does an episode about me! (My dream is to do a Prepisode one day :)
- Chosen as Survival Mom of the Month
- Made the Top 50 Best Prepper Websites
- Picked as a Top Pinner for Preparedness
- Invited to Be on the Radio (twice)
- Asked to Give Expert Advice (lol)
- Made Some Amazing Friends (I need to update my list!)
- Most of all – Getting to interact and hear from YOU!
Favorite Things!
Thank you for making this such a fun year full of surprises! I definitely learned a lot, even if it was just how to thicken my skin ;)
To celebrate my 1 year blogging anniversary (and my birthday) I’m going to share some of my very favorite things this week. And as a Big Thank You to my followers I’ll be giving them away to one of you!
I know I’m not Oprah (definitely don’t have her budget), but I found some great things I think everyone should have or at least know about!
So stay tuned this week to see what they are and enter for your chance to win them all…
Lyssa Beth says
LOL oh my goodness, there are some crazies out there. Plus some ReALLY jealous people too. They are just jealous that when the world comes to an end, they won’t be prepared and will die off. We’re better with out them ;)
Congrats, you are amazing! Building a blog is hard work! I tried it. Too hard for me!
Can’t wait to see what you have in store!
Prepared Housewives says
Everyone still loves your emergency preparedness post! Thanks for sending that! I refer and link up to it all the time!
When are you coming to Texas next? We seriously need to get together!
Jane@momwithaprep! says
Congrats on your 100th post and your blogiversary!
Prepared Housewives says
Hey thanks! I need to seriously step it up, but the bed just calls my name way to loud ;)
P.S. Loved your geeky clothes today! I’m totally getting some camo yoga pants for the gym!
Anonymous says
I LOVE your Blog! Thank you for helping me prepare =)
Congrats on 1 year and 100 posts =)
Methane Creator says
What an interesting article for your Anniversary. Naysayers exist everywhere, but you hang in there and keep writing! It would be so much easier to be able to “BAN” rude commentors who offer only scathing remarks and no solutions. Maybe Cat Woman will eat them first….
Prepared Housewives says
So interesting in a good way or bad ;)
I know, the mean commenters need to watch out, I’ll stick cat woman on them (lol).
Michelle says
Congratulations on your anniversary and your 100th post. I’m sorry the trolls don’t stay in their caves, but hopefully the supportive people come out more and make up for it.
I can honestly say I enjoy your blog and look forward to your next 100 posts.
Prepared Housewives says
Thanks Michelle! You comment means so much to me!
People have been super supportive and they will be forever loved!
Julie S says
Happy Anniversary Jamie! You’re doing so awesome, I can’t believe it’s only a year. (I’m sure sometimes it seems like 10 to you!) Keep up the great work and don’t let the idiots and crazies under your skin. For every “hater”, there’s hundreds of “likers” out there.
Prepared Housewives says
You are so sweet Julie! You’re right, in some ways it seems like forever. I sometimes wonder what I did with all my time before I started blogging :)
Thanks for the encouragement! I’ll keep working on getting under peoples skin!
Anonymous says
Love you straightforward honesty! Keep the posts coming! Love ’em!!
Prepared Housewives says
Good to hear. Glad someone likes my straightforwardness ;)
Jaime B. says
I can’t believe how many crazy people are out there!! So many better things to do in life than to sit down at a computer and be an a-hole to a complete stranger. Lots and lots of cowards, oops, I mean haters, that hide behind their little computer screen and talk big. Weirdos!!
Anyway, I love your blog. You have provided SO much useful (blended with Jamie humor) information!! I miss you guys a ton. Keep up the good work of providing us clueless people with great information and how-to’s!!!
Prepared Housewives says
Jaime, I totally love you!
When are you going to come visit us?
I seriously miss Jaime humor and crazy nights out!
Tom says
As one of the 15% of males that follow your website, I have to say that I am truely inspired reading your articles. I found your article on Rocketstoves to be one of the best I have ever read on any prepper website. Your detailed photographs and clear writing make the learning enjoyable. Sure, I had seen many other articles on making them, but learning different approaches are what makes doing what we do fun. Keep up the excellent blogging. We are all in this together….
Prepared Housewives says
Wow, a guy that not only follows my blog, but isn’t afraid to leave a comment – awesome! Thanks for the compliments on my rocket stove post! That was a lot of fun to do. It gave me a great excuse to upgrade my camera. I love the taking pictures part, just not so much the writing part!
Yep, definitely in this together!
Larene G says
I only found you a very short time ago. I wish that I would have found you quicker, I love your blog and look forward to reading it!! You have so many good things going! I am mostly homebound, so I love to hear what’s going on. Please try to ignore the people who are so mean, and go on!
Prepared Housewives says
So glad you found me! I’ll talk your advice and learn to ignore mean people. I think I’m getting better at it ;) Thanks for your sweet message!
LuckyRobin says
I learned a long time ago on my personal finance blog to delete and not engage when the trolls come calling. Just not worth my time or the hurt feelings. Haven’t had any yet on my homestead blog, fortunately. Sorry you’ve had to deal with this.
I had to laugh at the cat lady thinking that if things went bad she’d turn cannibal. If things went bad, her cats would eat her far before she had the chance to turn cannibal or eat them. They’re cats. They will tolerate you as long as you can feed them, but if you can’t they will just as happily eat you.
Anyway, I’ve enjoyed your blog and learned a lot from it. I know I don’t speak up too often, but I always read. Congrats on one year. And by the way, you look just stunning in that photo.
Prepared Housewives says
I always appreciate you stopping by and your sweet comments! I know you are super buys with your amazing blog and keeping up with all your homesteading activities, so it means a lot!
Thanks for the compliments. As you can probably tell I got a little carried away with Photoshop effects :)
Linda Cullen says
I take great delight in reading what you prepare for us. Just found you 4 months ago, discovered prepping (from you), still pretty weak there. You have led me to marvelous resources, into a rich dynamic culture of which I knew nothing. You are still my favorite, I judge all others against you, a place that made me feel welcome and not stupid. Thank you hardly seems adequate for the wealth you have given me. I think you are a lovely young woman who manages a home, a business, multiple children and pets and still has time to look good for your husband, an amazing task. God Bless
Prepared Housewives says
Thanks Linda. Seriously, you just won favorite comment of the year award :) I really should make-up a prize for that! I won’t bother to send you to any other preparedness blogs I know, I don’t want you realizing mine isn’t the most awesome ;)
Also, I need to apologize for totally misleading you that I actually manage a home, business, children, pets, and looking good – my husband got a good laugh at that ;)
Maybe I can one day aspire to all the things you said about me. I’m printing your comment and posting it on my mirror right now! It definitely makes me smile!
Tina Deeds says
Wow. Having read all that, I’d say that your year has thankfully been full of more ups than downs. Here’s to many more!
Prepared Housewives says
Thanks! You’re definitely right! Lots of ups that make it so much fun!
Andrea @ Project Simple Home says
CONGRATS! You totally deserve all the success that you’ve had, despite the roller-coaster it took to get there. I can’t wait to see what you have in store next.
Andrea @ Project Simple Home says
I have to admit, sometimes I’m grateful that I’m not “huge” yet. My biggest trolls are spammers and a grammer nazi or two.
Prepared Housewives says
I just love you Andrea! I’m definitely not huge, that’s for sure. I guess that’s what surprised me when I got some mean people right from the start. I think it’s calmed down a lot though, especially when they realized I had no problem calling them out :)
Spammers are the worst aren’t they? luckily askimet has started taking care of most of them. I’m actually surprised I haven’t had any grammar Nazi’s, especially since English is my 2nd language (Ebonics was my 1st ;).
The Lady Kay says
Jamie–I am a faithful reader and subscriber and enjoy every post. Congrats on 100 posts and 1 year blogging. You continue to be an inspiration to this newbie prepper and blogger. I look forward to hundreds more!
Many thanks, The Lady Kay
Pat says
Congratulations Jamie! I know what you have been doing this last year is hard work and I am looking forward to my own anniversary next month!
I am so sad to see that you shoot a Canon though… Now I can never speak to you again. :)
Nikon Rules!!!
Jamie says
Happy Anniversary to you coming up Pat! I thought you’ve been doing your blog longer, you are a pro at it! I totally love it! I’ll still check maybe, even if you do use a Nikon ;)
Evil says
Since I just found your site this month I may have brought your male % up a notch. Probably not a full %, but at least 1 more man reads what you put up here. Question, what is a “grammar nazi” ? I might resemble that remark. If it means proper English and spellin, I know I do. Good thing these puters have spell check else I couldn’t even spell my name right. Congrats on the year, hope you are around for at least many more
Prepared Housewives says
Yeah, thanks for representing the guys and bringing that up a notch!
A “grammar Nazi” is something I wish I was, but will never be ;) Since English is my 2nd language, I’m lucky if I can spell my name right half the time. Actually, I think I do only spell it right that often. Do you know there are like 100 ways to spell Jamie?
This blogging thing is kind of addicting, I’ll see if I can make it another year. I’m getting pretty good at offending people, I can’t stop now ;)
I appreciate you stopping by, you rock! I’m still keeping an eye out for a “warm” woman for you!
Evil says
Thanks for the “keeping an eye out” thing. I need all the help I can get. P.S. If you need any help offending people just let me know. I have a few years practice in that area myself and am always willing to help where I can. I think the gun hating, criminal lover from Australia has already found that out for herself.
Prepared Housewives says
I can’t stop laughing! You’re hilarious!
I’ll definitely stick you on any more haters that come my way ;)
By the way, I had a lot of visitors from Australia today, you must of struck a nerve! Keep up the good work!
Evil says
Were they gun haters, or criminal lover haters? Or maybe just me haters? Send me all the haters you got. I’ll just add them to my ever growing list of people I forget to remember. I could fill a book, if could remember any of them. I’m gonna go look around now, must be someone that needs to be offended somewhere. Wish me luck.
Prepared Housewives says
I’m not sure who they were, I think you scared them from leaving a comment ;)
I read my husband your comment from the other day and he loved it. Good luck! Keep up the good work!
Todd Walker says
Am I too late to the party? Congrats on adding so much value to all of us over the past year plus, Jamie!! Keep doing the stuff!
Jamie S. says
It’s never to late ;) You’re so funny, did I accidently post this somewhere or something? You keep it up too!