Today’s the official day changes go into effect for LDS Canneries (Home storage Centers) Nationwide!
If you’ve been to an LDS cannery lately you might have noticed a form similar to the one below announcing the changes taking place.
I know I’ve already addressed some of the changes to the cannery that would occur, but here are some updates and answers to some of the most common questions I’ve been getting.
What Will The Changes Be To LDS Canneries?
First thing, they are no longer called canneries since no canning is done at the facilities, but instead they will now go by – Home Storage Centers.
In 89 of the Church’s 101 home storage centers in the U.S. and Canada, you will no longer be able to can any food, but instead purchase the same items prepackaged. There will no longer be any ability to can items or rent the canner for use at home.
The LDS Canneries instead, will function primarily as a store where you can buy items already in #10 cans or pouches.
- LIMITED BULK FOOD – You can now only buy some of the food items in bulk (see the list below), but each cannery might differ slightly so contact them before hand to see what they have available.
- NO ON-SITE CANNING ACTIVITIES – You can no longer can any food at the cannery, everything will already be pre-packaged.
- NO LONGER RENT CANNER – The canner will no longer be available for home or personal use to can your own items.
Items Available At the Home Storage Centers:
Bulk Food Storage Items Still Available:
They will no longer have all their food storage items to purchase in bulk, but here are a few things most of them will continue to carry (be sure to check before going):
- Black Beans
- White Beans
- Refried Beans
- Carrots
- Onions
Food Items Available in #10 cans & Pouches:
- Fruit Drink Mix
- Regular Oats
- Quick Oats
- Powdered Milk
- Hot Cocoa Mix
- Sugar, Macaroni
- Spaghetti Bites
- Apple Slices
- White Rice
- White Wheat
- Hard Red Wheat
- White Flour
- Pancake Mix
- Pinto Beans
- Potato Pearls
- Potato Flakes
LDS Cannery Labels – This post has pictures of all the cannery labels which contain storage life, ideal conditions, preparation instructions, ingredients, and more!
Other Items:
Water Filtration Bottle – $16.50 for the Bottle (which includes one filter) and $9.00 for an extra filter. This advanced water filtration bottle removes up to 99.99 percent of pollutants and contaminants found in drinking water. Produces up to 100 gallons of filtered water. 28-ounce water bottle includes one filter, an insulator sleeve, and clip.
*Remember you can also purchase most of these items online if you don’t have a home storage center nearby. They also offer a few other items not available at the home storage centers.
LDS Home Storage Center Locations:
- Locations – You can locate all of the 101 Home Storage Centers (LDS Canneries) here.
12 Remaining Fully Operating Canneries:
The following 12 Home Storage Centers are the only ones that will remain unchanged.
These will continue to allow for self-canning and provide bulk food items:
- Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada
- Mesa, Arizona
- Boise, Idaho
- Idaho Falls, Idaho
- Carrollton, Texas
- Lindon, Utah
- Logan, Utah
- Ogden, Utah
- Salt Lake City, Utah (Welfare Square)
- Sandy, Utah
- Springville, Utah
- St. George, Utah
Common Questions & Answers about the LDS Cannery:
Where Can I Find the LDS Cannery Price List & Order Form?
- Order Form – If you plan on purchasing food at the LDS Cannery you can download the current price list and fill out the order form.
- PURCHASE ONLINE – If you do not live near a LDS cannery, they have the option to buy many of the items online!
What are LDS (Mormon) Canneries?
The Home Storage Centers (aka Canneries) are operated by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, and are available to help anyone obtain food storage at low costs.
They have been operating for decades and have provided affordable resources to help families become more self-reliant.
Can Non Mormons/Non LDS Use the Canneries?
Absolutely! The LDS canneries are open to anyone who wants to be better prepared.
Self-reliance is something the LDS church encourages not only it’s members to do, but everyone. When you can better help yourself, you are in a better position to help others.
Totally awesome post! The information is very insightful and applicable. This is such a well laid out website and nicely done graphics. So easy to navigate too! Thank you for all your research and for sharing. This has saved me MANY hours.
You are welcome!!! Glad it’s helped! Thanks for the blog compliments! You’re awesome!
Thank you, this change was really confusing, I appreciate you getting the info out!
Yeah, so glad it helped! It was so confusing to me too, so I just had to put all the info in one place to help me remember. Glad others have found it useful too!
Great post Jamie! These changes have been so crazy and confusing, I honestly wasn’t sure what was fully going on. Thanks for doing the research for me, I owe you one :)
Thanks Andrea! It has been super confusing! One of my friends just went and said she loved how you can just buy what you want. I’ll have to make a trip now to see how it works!
I owe you for all your organizing tips! You are so on top of things!!!
Does anybody know where you can go to wet pack can items such as salsa or spaghetti sauce? We used to do that up here in Idaho, but they have since closesd the canneries for that. Would love any info on the subject! Thank-you1 Dianne
question: In your experience, are the prices and selection better at the actual home store or online?
Good question. I prefer to buy it at the store, because I don’t have to pay for shipping. The prices are constantly fluctuating, but I think it’s a little cheaper at the store.
Gotta love the Governments crack down on preppers. Obummer saw the preppers using LDS canneries so he shut them down.
Low-info voters strike again!
What brought on the big changes? Why are some locations still operating the old way?
Thank you.