Another year has come and gone which is always good (and bad) – because I realize how much I accomplished & didn’t accomplish last year!
I may have fallen short on a lot of things I was hoping to do, but I did finally lose that last 10 lbs that I’ve been trying to get rid of for 15 years! Don’t worry, I’ll tell you my secret…
It’s called the blogging diet – you sit on your bum bum for most of the day, turn any muscle you have into fat (it weighs less), and don’t get up for anything – especially to cook ;) It worked better than I expected.
Top 10 Preparedness Posts of 2014…
Anyways, enough of my horrible dieting advice – let the countdown begin!
Preserving Favorite Foods – Chocolate, Cheetos, Nuts, & More!
Bullet Proof Vest: What You Should Know Before Getting One!
Introducing the HERC Oven: Powered by Tealight Candles
Preserving Eggs with Mineral Oil – One Year Later…
LDS Cannery (aka Home Storage Center):
What You Need to Know Before Going
Make CANNED CHICKEN – Lasts on the Shelf for 3+ Years!
37 Creative Storage Solutions to Organize All Your Food & Supplies
Food Storage Inventory Spreadsheets You Can Download for Free
How to Filter & Purify Water for Survival
A Must-Have Meal for Your Freezer & Food Storage
Well, that wraps-up the top 10 preparedness posts of 2014! Be sure to try out some of your favorites – or at least pin them for later ;)
Blog Highlights & Randomness:
- Hit over 1,000,000 views in 2014!
- 213 Countries stopped by to take a look around!
- And the top 3 commenters of the year were…
- Evil
- John R.
- The Lady Kay
***If you were one of the top 3 commenters, make sure to EMAIL ME!
I have a little surprise to send your way!***
P.S. Want more? Here are the Top 10 Preparedness Posts of 2013!
So, another year gone. Another year? Seems like just yesterday I was trying to get used to 2014, now I gotta start over. You said you lost 10 lbs by setting at the computer? Hows that work? I been setting at this puter all year living on coffee and cheeseburgers and I think I found the 10 you lost, want them back? I really don’t need them. Seems like the only thing I accomplished this year is getting a year older. Though I did quit smoking, I wasn’t even trying to do that, bought one of those vaporizer kits,(not the one that looks like a cigarette, the tanks that you put e-juice in kind), 2 weeks later, I gave away the ciggs I had bought, now going on 7 months, don’t even want a cig. Anyway, Good luck on the coming year. I’ll keep voting for you on top sights. Evil.
WOW!!! Evil as a top commenter? That can’t be right. Evil did good? Naaaaaaaaah. Not even in my vocabulary. Good Evil? Naaaaaaah, that doesn’t even sound right.
Not sure how I missed your comments! Dumb blog!
Congrats on quitting smoking!!! That’s HUGE!!! That’s way better than losing 10 lbs. I have started working out again and so I’ve put 5 lbs back on. Not sure how that works, but’s it’s annoying.
And yes, you won the top commenter of the year! Way to go! Not that’s it’s a competition, but kind of ;)