I absolutely love hearing from you and am impressed with the questions that have filled my inbox lately. Sometimes I don’t have time to give a lengthy reply, and often times other people have the exact same questions, so I’ve decided to devote Fridays for Question & Answer Time!
Don’t hesitate to jump in and add your thoughts and expertise, because we really learn the most from each other!
I couldn’t resist kicking off the Q&A sessions with the question below. It came in response to a post I did about Classes for Hot Housewives.
Plus, Valentine’s Day is probably better than ever to discuss finding love in the prepper world ;)
How can I go about finding a hot cook, dishwasher, canner, gardener and just an all around good wife for a prepper?
Let me just add a quick disclaimer – If you’re already married, I’m not suggesting ditching your spouse for a prepared one! We can talk later about getting your spouse on board if you’re interested, or you can check out some of these posts on the subject:
- Prepping Partners: How to Increase Your Survival Rate Exponentially
- If Your Partner Doesn’t Want to Prep
- An Open Letter to Family & Friends
- A Preparedness Gift That Costs You Nothing
- Convincing Family to Prep – Or Should You Bother?
- How to Get Your Teen to Appreciate Prepping
Ok, I just had to get that out-of-the-way first!
Finding a Spouse that Preps:
So if you’re in the dating scene, how do you find someone who cares more about becoming self-reliant, rather than becoming a professional spender? I’ll admit it, I’m good at both, but here are some things to consider:
Farmers Only – City Folk Just Don’t Get It!
Seriously, I thought this was a joke at first, but people are really falling in love at FarmersOnly.com, unless they faked their testimonial page.
Anyways, since I haven’t started up my Prepper Dating Service yet, this is probably the next best thing. Its primary focus is for hooking up farmers, ranchers, & good ol’ country folk, but I’m sure Preppers are invited too – as long as you pay up front ;)
There are tonz of forums, Facebook groups, and preparedness communities out there if you just go looking! Here are some of my favorite, but make sure to let me know some of yours!
Of course these communities aren’t just for singles, but it’s a great place to find like-minded people and then go stalk their FB pages (don’t act like you’ve never done that before).
- BLOG HOP – You can find and connect with all sorts of people by checking out their blogs, commenting & replying to others, and connecting with each of their individual communities.
The best way to meet people is get out! Here are some ideas to get you mingling within your town:
- C.E.R.T. (Community Emergency Response Team) – Go get trained & be active within your community group. You never know, someone might just come along that loves a chance for disaster as much as you do!
- INTEREST GROUPS – Join or start a group that focuses on something you love – homesteading, hunting, shooting, gardening, etc.
- Church – I think this is still the best place to find a spouse! Having God in your life and especially your marriage, is the most important prep anyone can make.
Good luck with finding the right one!
Maybe, I will just have to go ahead and start-up a Prepper Dating Service ;)
So anyone else looking for a Prepper to love?
Girl, you better get on that Prepper Dating site before someone else creates and makes a boat load of money. That idea has potential!
Julie … there are a few ” Prepper ” dating sites already. Problem are that they don’t seam to work. the screening process is terrible. They don’t go into enough detail. Geographically hard to organize. That said, I do believe that a GOOD prepper dating site is needed. I for one would be looking there. hard to find the Like minded person to partner with.
too late
I’ll have to add this to my list! Thanks for sharing! I had no idea someone already took my idea ;)
Hello all, I am the creator of PreppersMatch.com, while we are not specifically a dating site, I have seen some members who are in the market for someone special. Our focus is on bringing preppers together to learn and prepare together. We offer some prepping tools like creating lists, and groups and will soon roll out a new Prepper Q&A part of the site. So far we have a great emerging community and I invite anyone to check it out.
Thanks for sharing a little about PreppersMatch, what a great idea. Maybe in your Q&A section you are about to do you can have an area for people looking for that special someone ;)
Dating sounds great for a decent,honest forthright lady. One problem today there are so many fakers on the internet Great and Honest wonderful people are so full of fear, because of the past bad relationships, they do not date. And many just get on dating sites Just to look but who do not date which makes allot of people shy away from Such places.. I feel today Good men who are honest, caring, and have great qualities are just getting passed over.
I agree 100% with you on that!! To many good women get hurt by stupid men and the rest of us good men suffer from the effects…..
You’re right, definitely lots of fakers. That’s why I think joining a network where you are actually interacting with real people without the dating pressure is a great way to go. Girls are much more interested in becoming friends first before jumping into anything serious anyways!
I think if you are genuine and real, girls will notice, at least the ones your want to attract. Plus, if you ever need help with an online profile send it to me. I can help beef it up so you find the right one ;)
Julie is right you know!
And thanks for including me and the DTS Network! :D
Keep Doing the Stuff, Jamie!!!
I love your Network! I have so much fun reading the comments from everyone! Sorry, I guess I should have asked you before turning it into a dating site ;)
You had me all egg-sited there for a second. Thought you had the new site up & runnin. Was fixin to look for my new kitchen-aid. Your breakin my heart, I’m breakin the dishes. At least there’s less to wash.
Ha Ha ;) You’ll have to check-out this site and let me know if it’s legit or not – https://preppersmatch.com/
I don’t know, maybe I’m just a suspicious kind of guy, but I would read the Terms and privacy before you sign up for it.
I remember seeing PreppersMatch shared on a blog a couple years ago. I’m pretty sure it’s legit. I just don’t like joining those sites, and definitely won’t pay to look.
Hey out there, where are the prepper communities? They need farmers, security, paramedics, teachers, cooks, and many other skills to make up a good prepper community and I would like to find one. It would consist of people of all ages from the kids and teens all the way up to grandmas and grandpas. Everyone (regardless of age) would have something to contribute. Anybody thinking along these lines?, or know of one already established, let pass the word. It will be needed in the near future, trust me.
I’ve heard of some, but I know they stay super quiet for the most part.
guess you are already taken…LOL…thanks for the ideas…i am looking for my rest of my life partner…so i will be waiting for your web site…
Lol, you crack me up ;)
I’ll get working right on it, but in the meantime here is one you can check out – https://preppersmatch.com/
Well I’ll tell one thing that I’ve seen it’s all these unattractive, old, never been married, people I’ve seen that hang out on these sites. If I find another site with a “prepper” that weighs 240 lb.s i’ll shoot myself, (you know the ones that claim they’re preppers but just can’t lose weight) And then there’s the ones that say I like camping but are clue less .
Hey, are you calling me fat ;) – j/k. Aren’t preppers supposed to over-weight, they survive longer don’t they?
Maybe, there should be a survival skills & fitness portion to the dating site I make!
Hey, this is John R and I am still looking. What surprises me is that all the responses here are from men. Where are all the women that needs a prepping partner? This could be the start of Jamie’s love lorne site now. All you women out there in prepping land, give a quick shout and an E-mail address.
Too funny, I didn’t even realize it was mostly men commenting. I just read a report there are like 5 women to every 1 man who wants to be married. Seriously, where are all the women! I’ll start collecting emails for you!
When are you starting the prepper dating site?I am looking for a nice Christian,Libertarian Prepper soul mate also.
Seriously, I need to get one going! I’ll keep a look out for you ;)
Hello, my name is Heidi and I am co-owner of preppersmatch.com. We built this site to bring like-minded individuals together. It is better to prep in numbers! It is free to sign up and we are, currently, revamping the site and will be adding some more things to it. We didn’t set it up to be a dating site, per se, but if people want to use it that way, great! Prepper’s Match has implemented data security on par with some of the most secure websites around. We would love to get more people signed up and start using this site! On a side note, I am really enjoying this blog! :)
Thanks Heidi! Hope you don’t mind we’ve taken over your site and turned it into a dating one ;)
What a great way to help people meet-up and prep in numbers!
I just recently started prepping and love everything to do with it. I’m also looking for an LDS like minded companion and I wouldn’t consider myself too old or overweight. I’m very much into healthy living and lifestyle. Jamie, mayb you could be the match maker and hook me up. The good ones are hard to find and I’ve been through A Lot of fakers.
Hello girl stumbled on your site, wanted to share mine with you and let you know I have been Design / Engineering / Building Sustainable Homesteads for people in Northern Az for many years and have yet to stumble on a a great woman who gets it-Is aware of the Matrix as well as Freedom thru independence which involves prioritizing needs such as water, location, and available growing land to construct viable self-sufficient properties if you find what I say interesting check out my site-
http://www.getahomestead.com let me know what you think- best to you James
Just found your blog post. Thanks for the ideas. Looks like PreppersMatch.com no longer exists but I did find some other prepper dating sites. You could start one anyway and maybe have the best one!
Hi, guys and gals of the prepping World; just to let you know.
Date A Prepper is a free to join, online dating, and social networking community for preppers & survivalists.
Here you can join other like minded people, make new friends, start new relationships, and just have fun whether you are are a herbalist, homesteader, prepper, or survivalist!
We plan to cover it all, from herbs, home schooling, homesteading, prepping, etc.;
here you will find a safe, fun, fact filled community, and for the month of Sept. 2015,
anyone that signs up for free, will be manually upgraded to platinum membership, so you can use all the features free for six months.
I need your help to provide the type of prepper site you are looking for, so signup, post content, get to know each other better, and just have fun; remember you don’t need to be single, and looking for a date to join; we are a complete networking community, where you can start your own blog, group, etc.