Like thousands of others, before Hurricane Ike hit we rushed to the store to buy one of the last remaining generators – but once the lights went out we realized we had a big problem – we didn’t store enough fuel to keep it running.
And a year later we ran into an even bigger problem – the generator wouldn’t turn on period!
My story doesn’t need to be your story – hopefully, you can learn from my mistakes and never be without power in an emergency.
I just recently learned about a Fuel Stabilizer from PRI (Power Research Inc.) that can fix both of these problems. With PRI-G or PRI-D it can help keep my stored fuel fresh indefinitely, and keep my generator running.
Fuel Stabilizer for Emergency Preparedness
The are too many uses for the PRI products to name, but the following are ways I’m using it in case of an emergency. I can’t believe I never used this before, but now you won’t catch my shelves without it!
Long-Term Fuel Storage
A few years ago I decided to store a few container of gasoline in case we needed to fill our cars and leave town, and for the generator. Well, I’m pretty sure that gas has never been rotated and probably would do more damage than good at this point.
Fuel ages VERY quickly – but I’ve been told, by treating fuel annually with PRI-G it can keep fresh in storage for years – even indefinitely! The best part is if your fuel has already aged, PRI-G can still help by restoring it to refinery-fresh conditions.
This time I made sure to add the PRI-G to each gasoline container. Also, so I wouldn’t forget, I put a piece of tape with the date I need to add more fuel stabilizer if needed.
Emergency Power
Do you have a generator? Have you tested it out lately to see if it works?
Fuel deteriorates and becomes unstable the longer it sits causing all sorts of damage – disabling engines, plugging filtration systems, damaging engine components with excessive carbon – or even refusing to ignite.
Generator manufacturers estimate that more than half of all generator failures in emergency situations are the result of fuel gone bad. – Power Research Inc.
Fixing the damage can be costly (as we discovered when repairing our generator), so do your generator a favor and go ahead and treat it with some fuel stabilizer!
Even more importantly, your life may count on having your generator working to power things during an emergency – and that is not the time you want to find out it’s not working.
What Does Pri-G & PRI-D Do?
PRI-G (Gasoline Treatment) | PRI-D (Diesel Treatment) |
Using PRI-G/PRI-D Fuel Stabilizer
Unopened lasts INDEFINITELY
Opened lasts 3 Years
Since this is very concentrated you only need a small amount. The following are the available bottle sizes and the amount of fuel it treats.
Bottle Size | Fuel Treated |
16 Ounces | 256 Gallons |
32 Ounces | 512 Gallons |
1 Gallon | 2,000 Gallons |
Amount Needed: Add 1 oz. of PRI-D or PRI-G Fuel Stabilizer to 16 Gallons of Fuel
ANNUALLY: Each year add more PRI-G or PRI-D to your fuel to keep it fresh. Fuel will last indefinitely as long as you do this.
The way they made the top of the bottles are ingenious! It measures out exactly how much you need for 16 gallons of fuel so you can pour it right in.
Contest Closed
You can store fuel indefinitely too, just enter below for you chance to win some PRI-G & PRI-D for yourself!
IDK what brand fuel stabilizer we use, but I have heard very good things about PRI products. I was not aware that they could also be used to store fuel longer term and keep it fresh! We have frequent power outages year round where we live, so we DO need to store gas for the generator regularly. We also use the same fuel for lawnmowers, etc, so it gets rotated out more frequently. I would love to win PRI G so we could focus on storing more fuel longer term!
Thanks for mentioning the lawn mower, that’s another great use for this!
We keep some gas in a can in the garage for the lawn mower. This stabilizer would be good for that and any extra gas we wanted to store for our car.
Good info! Will pass along to my hubby.
I’d use it for our generator. Thanks for the chance to win some!
Endless uses for PRI-G! We live at over 6000 feet and through some harsh winters. Fuel stability for when the power, inevitably, gets knocked out is a huge priority. Who knows when it will be back on – could be weeks! This is a great sounding product!!
Wow, you would need something for sure. I’m such a whimp when it comes to cold weather, I would have a couple generators just to run space heaters ;)
Oh, so that’s why our equipment is running properly. Good to know! I’ll use it for the equipment and for fuel storage. Thanks!
You always teach me something new! I have thought about fuel storage, but I had no idea of it’s deterioration. This product sounds like a must-have!!
Be Well, The Lady Kay
I just luv ya Lady Kay! I learned something too.
I’ve always stored gas cans but left them empty since I’m horrible at rotating, but now I’m excited I can finally fill them and not worry about it.
This would be great for our storage of fuel. You need it when you need it!
we store fuel for power outtages. living in the country it would be foolish not to have a backup generator.
Just recently my hubby said we need a new generator because the old one would not start. I’ll certainly pass this info on to him. Maybe we can avoid another large expense.
Good info to know
Great information! I am passing this on to my husband. We need this for our generator.
I store fuel to be prepared and it would be great if it lasts longer than stabil
We have periodic power failures that can last anywhere from a few hours up to a week, so our generator and stored fuel needs this product so that they can be ready anytime we need it!
I would love to win.
Awesome! I need this for our preparedness!
We always have a bit of gas around; I would prefer knowing that it would last longer if needed. Thanks for the opportunity.
I know, me too! The best part is even if the gas has been sitting for awhile PRI-G helps with the degraded fuel too!
Would love to win!
I’m on your mailing list. Would be great to win. Thank you for your mailings.
Fabulous! Thanks for subscribing to my list :)
I didn’t even realize fuel went bad! This would help me keep an emergency store of gasoline for our vehicles in case we needed to get out of dodge during tornado season.
We need it for generator, tiller, saws and other gasoline powered tools.
I didn’t even think of using it for all those other things Linda! Great idea!
I would use it to stabilize gas for my generators.
I would use it so I could store gas in case of emergency. bugout, ect
This would come in handy whether an emergency or not! To not have to get rid of that lawnmower gas that has been sitting during the winter!!
I totally agree! I’m excited to give some to my dad and see if it helps his 4-wheelers. I think those live at the shop!
Just started following you and loving everything I see and read. Can never be to prepared in the wonderful ever changing texas weather.
Thanks Valerie! So true, this Texas weather is crazy – sunny one minute and then thunderstorms the next ;)
I don’t have any fuel stored for our generator, so that is what I would use it for!
Use it for the gas for my generator
A few years back, our entire area lost power for 8 days due to an ice storm. No gas, no water, no electricity. It was quite the eye opener and made me a believer in being prepared for any contingency.
It’s crazy how long 8 days feel when there isn’t electricity. We went 3 days without it during Hurricane Ike and it seemed like an eternity.
Not having electricity definitely was an opener for me as well.
I would use it to store gasoline for my portable generator.
Every spring I have to clean the carburetors on my lawn mowers because I forget to run them dry in the fall. I may be able to remember to use some of this good stuff and save all that work.
If one of the bridges goes out, or becomes compromised during a hurricane, the Florida Keys residents are hurt. No water, no food, and no fuel to go get food or fuel. If the fuel you have hasnt been treated, you might as well be using kool-aid. Would love to win this package!
Great points you brought up Terri. Sometimes I don’t think we realize how dependent we are on trucks, bridges, and many other factors that bring us food & gas everyday.
I am glad I ran across this post..I have been looking for ways to store gas, I’ve always been afraid of waste. Great post !
I’ll need more than gas for the lawn mower!
It’s worth keeping a tank full around just to avoid the price spikes !
For a stockpile of fuel.
Thank you for the chance.I have not heard of this particular product before. LOVE to win some.
I would use this to extend the life in my gas powered lawn mower during the snowy winter months and our gas powered golf cart when its stored.
Great web site, found it off pinterest.
I have never heard of Pri-G, sure going to keep my eyes open for it.
Thank you for all your hard work.
i would use it to store fuel long term for leaving town in the event of an emergancy
I’ve got a small collection going of empty fuel cans and I’d fill those up. Prob give the other to my dad if I didn’t use it all.
How much would you use for a 5 gal can? Would love to try.
Good question, since most of us are probably only filling 5 gallon containers ;)
You would need about 1/3 of an ounce – or a cap-full of it. If you put a little more than needed it won’t hurt anything.
Thx for the info, I don’t have a 16 gallon can!! LOL
Me neither ;) Not sure where they came-up with the 16 gallon thing!